On March 13-15, 2023 by the New Media Education Center a 3-day training was held on the topic “Formation of skills of young journalists in the field of media and information literacy, preparation of modern content and investigative journalism”.
Young journalists, bloggers and press secretaries working in Fergana and Andijan regions took part in it. During the training, attention was paid to a number of topics such as fact-checking instruments, working with sources, preparation of modern media content.
Not only theoretical but also practical aspects of the issue were given.
Now, for a month, the participants will prepare stories and articles for newspapers, posts for social media and TV stories for local TV channels, as well as various media content in other formats, based on the new knowledge and skills they acquired during the training.
According to the plan, the 2nd stage of the training will take place in May of this year.
This project was organized with the financial support of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.