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A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Journalists’ Union and the “New Media Education Center” NGO.

(UZ) Sun’iy intellekt axborot xavfsizligiga qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatadi?

(UZ) Sun’iy intellekt axborot xavfsizligiga qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatadi?

(UZ) Bundan qariyb 20-25 yil oldin internet endi paydo bo‘lgan davrda ham shu kabi savollar ko‘pchilikni o‘ylantirgan edi.

(UZ) Oliy Majlis deputatlari uchun media trening tashkil etildi

(UZ) Oliy Majlis deputatlari uchun media trening tashkil etildi

(UZ) Tadbirda “Yangi media ta’lim markazi” direktori, filologiya fanlari doktori, DSc. Beruniy Alimov ishtirok etdi.

SoJo – Solutions Journalism in Uzbekistan for the first time

SoJo – Solutions Journalism in Uzbekistan for the first time

Trainings were organized in Tashkent, Samarkand, Urganch, Fergana, Tashkent and Bukhara regions.

Training at the ICT Ministry

Training at the ICT Ministry

On August 2, 2024, training was held for the employees of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Solutions Journalism in Uzbekistan

Solutions Journalism in Uzbekistan

On July 9-21, 2024, the 1st Module of the #SolutionJournalism project was held in Tashkent, Samarkand and Urganch.

A roundtable discussion was organized as part of the project

A roundtable discussion was organized as part of the project

Mr. Jonathan Henick, the ambassador of the USA to Uzbekistan, who participated in the roundtable discussion, emphasized the issues related to gender in Uzbekistan.

The next seminar-training took place in Tashkent

The next seminar-training took place in Tashkent

Journalists and bloggers who actively participated in the three-day training received appropriate certificates.

The main purpose of the activity:

Satisfying the citizens’ demand of the Republic of Uzbekistan for quality information, professional development of journalists, ideological enrichment of the national segment of the Internet, the formation of strong immunity  of the population,  especially young people to the aggressive media content, etc.