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The training successfully completed in Khorezm

The training successfully completed in Khorezm

Another workshop was held within the project.

Women in the media: responsible coverage is more important than ever

Women in the media: responsible coverage is more important than ever

On March 27-29, a three-day seminar-training was held in the city of Fergana on the topic “Widespread promotion of women’s rights through the media: overcoming obstacles and responsible coverage in the media.”

(UZ) “Bizni kimdir yomon ko‘rsa, demak, biz ishlayapmiz!”

(UZ) “Bizni kimdir yomon ko‘rsa, demak, biz ishlayapmiz!”

(UZ) “Daryo” O‘zbekistondagi OAV holati, jurnalistikaning asl funksiyalari hamda sohadagi nuqson va kamchiliklar haqida “Yangi media” taʼlim markazi direktori Beruniy Alimov bilan suhbatlashdi.

(UZ) Biz qanday axborot iste’mol qilyapmiz?

(UZ) Biz qanday axborot iste’mol qilyapmiz?

(UZ) Bugun kun davomida hech bo‘lmasa bir marta yangilik o‘qimaydigan yoki eshitmaydigan odam topilmasa kerak.

(UZ) Milliy kontent yaratish nega dolzarblashdi?

(UZ) Milliy kontent yaratish nega dolzarblashdi?

(UZ) Bugungi globallashuv jarayoni tabiiyki, ilmiy-texnikaviy yutuqlar bilan birga ayrim salbiy holatlarni ham keltirib chiqarmoqda.

Reforms & Media of Uzbekistan

Reforms & Media of Uzbekistan

The media field in Uzbekistan has undergone big changes in recent years. Especially in matters of public control, ensuring transparency in the activities of State bodies, shaping public opinion and strengthening democratic values. 

Media image is a decisive force

Media image is a decisive force

Today, a roundtable discussion was held on the topic “The importance of modern political technologies in increasing the effectiveness of political parties’ propaganda work.”

(UZ) “O‘zbekistondagi islohotlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari”

(UZ) “O‘zbekistondagi islohotlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari”

(UZ) “Slovo Kirgizstana” (Qirg‘iziston so‘zi) umummilliy gazetasining elektron platformasida “Yangi media” ta’lim markazi direktori Beruniy Alimovning “O‘zbekistondagi islohotlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari” sarlavhali tahliliy maqolasi chop etildi. 

The main purpose of the activity:

Satisfying the citizens’ demand of the Republic of Uzbekistan for quality information, professional development of journalists, ideological enrichment of the national segment of the Internet, the formation of strong immunity  of the population,  especially young people to the aggressive media content, etc.